Radio City With Jon Grayson & Rob Ross: Episode One Hundred Twenty-Five

Radio City With Jon Grayson & Rob Ross:  Episode One Hundred Twenty Five

There are weeks when Rob and Jon want to deliver a positive message and vibe, but the outside world – particularly when it comes to politics – tends to get in the way.  

On this edition of Radio City…, the boys take to task New York City “mayor in absentia”, Bill deBlasio and his Board of Education chief, Richard Carranza, as those two “public servants” take identity politics to a new low:  eliminating gifted programs in New York City public schools.  At the same time, deBlasio is somehow convinced that with 0% traction in his Presidential bid, people will vote for him.  Rob discusses in depth a troubling, ongoing situation in his neighborhood: residents are vocal about not wanting a fait-accompli homeless shelter, but former N.Y.C. council speaker Christine Quinn had the audacity to pen a letter to the editor of the Staten Island Advance (the local paper), saying it would “help the area”, which is a bold-faced lie.  Meanwhile, right-wingnut Tomi Lahren’s patriotic yoga pants – with an American flag motif, made in China and a pocket to carry a gun just heaps more embarrassment on us all; does anyone really care about who said or did what at the MTV VMA’s?  The channel doesn’t even show “music” videos anymore; measles had been eliminated in 2000 – anti-vaxxers are causing it to return in frightening numbers; a juicy piece on another political figure being exposed for being more than just a liar, as well as a blistering “In Our Heads” segment and even more!

Even though the way the world moves is emotionally draining, at least Jon and Rob try to take it apart with a smile and bit of thought.  So join them – you’ll ultimately feel better…


Radio City With Jon Grayson & Rob Ross:  Episode One Hundred Twenty Five

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